Frank Mayorga Frank Mayorga

God Sees and Hears 

“Lord, You saw the wrong done to me; judge my case. You saw all their vengefulness, all their plots against me. Lord, You heard their insults, all their plots against me. The lander and the murmuring of my opponents attack me all day long.” Lamentations 3:60-62 csb

Jeremiah was a Prophet who was not well-liked by his peers. Why you might ask? Because Jeremiah spoke the truth, it hurt their feelings. The people didn’t want to hear the truth about their condition. As a faithful servant and minister of the Word of God Jeremiah kept speaking truth in love even when they didn’t want to hear it. 

As Christians, we can be hated as well for simply being honest, truthful, and caring. The same happened to Jesus Christ. He is the Truth and was hated for it. The religious leaders became plotters, vengeful, and insulting. They blasphemed Christ and accused Him of sin. Yet, He remained faithful to His calling as well. Jeremiah knew the God who sent him to speak to the people was also watching their reactions. God heard the plots they spoke in secret. Jeremiah trusted that God would deal with the scoffers and slanderers in his life. He said in vs 64-65, “You will pay them back what they deserve, Lord, according to the work of their hands. You will give them a heart filled with anguish.” 

As a child of God, we can rest with confidence and assurance that our enemies become His enemies. Even when they think they got away with hurting you, the God of Israel saw and heard it all. He misses nothing. Praise God we have a protective Father, and we don’t have to fight our own battles. If you find yourself dealing with people like Jeremiah and Jesus, do what they did, and trust the Father who sees and hears. 


Pastor Frank 

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Frank Mayorga Frank Mayorga

God Suffers When I Suffer?

In all their suffering, He suffered, and the angel of His presence saved them. He redeemed them because of His love and compassion; He lifted them up and carried them all the days of the past.” Isaiah 63:9 csb

I have been journeying through the long book of Isaiah. Looking into this man’s life is an incredible story in itself. He was not a popular or well-liked Prophet. Nothing like the beloved Prophet Samuel, when he died the whole nation mourned for a month for him. Isaiah served under 4 kings, and his message that God spoke boldly through him caused his life a lot of grief. But, in chapter 6 it was Isaiah that said, “Send me!” There was a reason God had asked the question “Who shall I send for us?” This man who would speak on God's behalf, and would have to have the longevity and stamina to continue speaking even when the truth hurts. I recently gave a sermon on New Year's about how the truth is more important than our feelings. Truth saves, and feelings do not. So throughout four very different kings, during a time of great prosperity, Isaiah spoke in detail about the nation's coming judgment. No one wanted to hear about sin, accountability, and judgment. But Isaiah carried on with his mission and in the latter chapters of Isaiah, we see some incredible truth about the nature of God.

From another Prophet God declares of Himself that He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezek. 18:23). Now that's concerning the wicked who suffer judgment, but what about God's children when they suffer? He tells us how He feels when we suffer in chapter 63 verse 9, “in all their suffering, He suffered…” I read a commentary on this verse and couldn’t agree more, “Isaiah knows the nature of God; that in the afflictions of His people, He is afflicted also. God is not a dispassionate, unfeeling observer when His people suffer. He suffers with them when they are afflicted.” (Guzik).  This is the heart of a father! When my kids get hurt, I am hurt for them. I remember when my son had a fever when we were living abroad in Mallorca, Spain. The fever lasted 7 days, and I remember seeing his little warm body curled up on the couch eyes tightly closed and my heart ached for him. I asked the Lord to give me the fever in place of him. Only a father or mother knows the deep care and feelings when their children are hurt. 

Our God is very near to us when we hurt. Psalm 34:18 David declares, “The LORD is near the brokenhearted; he saves those crushed in spirit.” That is such a wonderful thought to know that our God is a God of compassion and has a deep love for His children. He truly is a good Father. I am learning this more and more as I age and mature in the Lord. I was blessed with this great knowledge and understanding of His characteristic of the God of the Bible. Jesus and the Father are One He said, and its no wonder that the Gospel of Matthew says, “Jesus continued going around to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness. When he saw the crowds, he felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dejected, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:35-36 csb. Our God is a God of compassion and love.



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