God Sees and Hears 

“Lord, You saw the wrong done to me; judge my case. You saw all their vengefulness, all their plots against me. Lord, You heard their insults, all their plots against me. The lander and the murmuring of my opponents attack me all day long.” Lamentations 3:60-62 csb

Jeremiah was a Prophet who was not well-liked by his peers. Why you might ask? Because Jeremiah spoke the truth, it hurt their feelings. The people didn’t want to hear the truth about their condition. As a faithful servant and minister of the Word of God Jeremiah kept speaking truth in love even when they didn’t want to hear it. 

As Christians, we can be hated as well for simply being honest, truthful, and caring. The same happened to Jesus Christ. He is the Truth and was hated for it. The religious leaders became plotters, vengeful, and insulting. They blasphemed Christ and accused Him of sin. Yet, He remained faithful to His calling as well. Jeremiah knew the God who sent him to speak to the people was also watching their reactions. God heard the plots they spoke in secret. Jeremiah trusted that God would deal with the scoffers and slanderers in his life. He said in vs 64-65, “You will pay them back what they deserve, Lord, according to the work of their hands. You will give them a heart filled with anguish.” 

As a child of God, we can rest with confidence and assurance that our enemies become His enemies. Even when they think they got away with hurting you, the God of Israel saw and heard it all. He misses nothing. Praise God we have a protective Father, and we don’t have to fight our own battles. If you find yourself dealing with people like Jeremiah and Jesus, do what they did, and trust the Father who sees and hears. 


Pastor Frank 


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God Suffers When I Suffer?