Our Daily Bread

“for what is straw compared to grain?Jeremiah 23:28b csb

Over the past several years, I have become a bread maker. I always was scared of baking bread because of the precision of the ingredients. But when the lockdowns came, I thought I have nothing better to do with my time, so why not start learning? I began researching how to make sourdough starters, flours to use, and tools to purchase. When it came time for learning the method of making a loaf of bread, I was overwhelmed with how many different recipes and correct ways of proofing flour. Everyone's way was the best way of making a loaf of bread! 

The same is true in life. There are many opinions about how someone should live their lives. In the time of Jeremiah, the same was true, many false prophets rose up and told the people they should listen to this teacher or this teaching. But all of these are ‘straw’ Jeremiah says. We aren’t horses we don’t eat straw we need bread. God had given them His Word which He called ‘grain’ so they didn’t have to search for truth, He gave it to them. What is man's opinion compared to God's Word? Bread is the stuff of life, and there is nothing quite like the smell of a freshly baked loaf of bread. There is nothing like the fresh manna of God's Word, it fills us up like nothing else. Jesus declared, “Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 csb We don’t have to be overwhelmed by people's opinions and advice on how we should live, raise our families, and conduct our lives. God has given us His Word to feast on daily. They said, Sir, give us this bread always!  Jesus told them, I Am the Bread of Life! John 6:34-35a csb Let us come to Jesus daily and receive our bread!

Agape Pastor Frank


Who’s True and Who Isn’t? 


God Sees and Hears