Speaking The Truth Even When No One Is Listening

Speak my words to them whether they listen or refuse to listen, for they are rebellious. Ezekiel 2:7 csb

Every passing day, I find myself increasingly unphased by the falsehoods permeating American culture. We now inhabit a nation where truth is subjective, molded to individual desires. While America boasts freedom, the pursuit of honesty has become a rare virtue. This mirrors the era of the ancient prophets like Ezekiel. When God tasked Ezekiel with delivering His message, his responsibility was clear: proclaim the Word, regardless of the peoples reception.

In our current climate, as darkness seems to deepen across America, we too bear the divine commission to speak truth boldly. Jesus declared in John 17:17, "Your Word is Truth." I believe we are the final generation before the Lord's return, entrusted with the sacred duty to uphold truth, even in a world that has turned a deaf ear.

Jesus, is the embodiment of Truth in John 14:6, and holds the key to salvation. Without Him, the world faces certain peril. Later in Ezekiel, God designates his prophet as a "Watchman" (Ezekiel 3:17), tasked with alerting the people to impending danger. Should they ignore his warnings, their fate rests on their own shoulders. However, should he neglect his duty, their blood is on his hands.

Similarly, we are watchmen to the world, called to proclaim the coming judgment. Whether others heed or disregard our message is beyond our control. Our mandate is simple: to faithfully convey the truth of God's Word, knowing that obedience to His call is our highest priority. So whether they listen or not speak His Truth, speak Jesus.




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