He Has Redeemed Me

King David is going to pass away but before he does he confirms his son Solomon, son of Bathsheba as heir to the throne. As he is lying in bed, cold and without strength he recalls all that the Lord his God has done for him. From the time that the Prophet Samuel came to the home of Jesse (David's father), and anointed David with oil as king, David was never without enemies. King David was ridiculed by his brothers (1 Sam. 17), mocked by a giant (1 Sam. 17), and accused as a usurper by a mad king Saul. There were so many who came against him all because he was called by God to be king of Israel. Throughout his adult life, he was on the run. David lived in caves, fought with enemies, and thought he would die at the hands of the mad king Saul. Despite all of these hardships, David lived. He was redeemed from all his enemies and the difficulties that life threw at him. Now at the end of his life, after his race, he reflects and looks back at all that his God saw him through and was able to declare his life was redeemed from everything.

The Apostle Paul writing to the Galatians, (an area in the region of Asia Minor that had a collection of churches in it) said, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us” Galatians 3:13 This word redeem that Paul uses means: by payment of a price to recover from the power of another. The power of the other is Sin and Death. Jesus Christ through the completed work on the cross of Calvary has redeemed us from every power of sin and death. Now, that doesn’t mean that life is peaches and cream and sunshine and roses. There will be difficulties in this life, in fact, we are promised that. However, what David saw and understood is this: all the difficulties he thought he was going to die, lose to, actually found that God rescued him from it all. The Lord Jesus has rescued us from the bondage of sin and death, an enemy of all humanity. In Christ we can look back on all that we have been saved from and continually being saved from. In Christ we are more than conquerors because of what Jesus Christ has done for us by redeeming us!


Pastor Frank Mayorga


None of these things…