“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20 csb

  • The Melugins

    Dominican Republic

    Keith and Amy Melugin have served in full-time occupational ministry for over 25 years. They have lead over 40 mission trips, both state-side and international. God has given them a new vision for ministry – in the Dominican Republic. To learn more about the Melugins click here.

  • The Chaviras


    The Chavira family is in an undisclosed country in Asia. Due to safety and security risks their profile is hidden. Calvary Chapel Ascend began partnering with the Chaviras late 2023. If you would like to financially support them click the link here. Make sure you select Daniel Chavira

  • Netivah Youth Ministries


    Netivah is a messianic body that works in the field of youth work among the messianic community in Israel. Their ambition is to see the believing youth and soldiers grow and be rooted in their faith, educate them to follow Yeshua (Jesus) with love and be an example to the people around them. For more information click here.

  • To Learn More

    If you would like to know more about our missionaries or how else you might partner with them please email our missions secretary: lcarothersccw@gmail.com